Become Partner

Being active within the field of AI since 2016, we established a strong client’s network consisting mostly out of Top500 companies in the Netherlands. Plan Ahead was founded because of the increasing demand for temporary employed expert consultants from our customers and there expressed interest in having a single point of contact for all their data driven temporary projects.

Why Plan Ahead

The main mentioned reasons our clients prefer employed expert consultant instead of hiring freelance professionals are;

  • It’s easier to estimate the level of expertise of a consultant working for a specialistic consultancy firm.
  • Working with domain specialists in permanent employment offers more quality assurances.
  • Do to the current market situation freelance professionals leave projects whena “better one” comes along.
  • When a freelance professional gets sick there is no possible replacement.
  • Freelance professionals don’t have a supporters group able to back them up and give advice if necessary.
  • Many companies simply don’t want to deal with the risk involved hiring freelance professionals looking at the “Wet DBA”.

Why Join our partners network

If you decide to join our network this means instant access to all our clients’ in the Netherlands. Receive every temporary project and present available expert consultants to us. 

We represent the very best A.I, Data Science, ML, Cloud consultancy firms in The Netherlands. If you feel your agency should be a part of our network please contact us.